Episode 58: Extraordinary Evidence with Kathryn Cogert and Tim Dobbs
Posted Oct 25, 2015 by bn
How do we know there was a big bang?

This is the Picture of Temperatures/Densities in the Cosmic Microwave Background. It was taken by the WMAP satellite!
i mean: how, specifically do we know?
that’s what we talk about today! EVIDENCE! OBSERVATION RUNS! SCIENCE!
Hubble, The cosmic microwave background, COBE, The Sloan Digital Sky Survey, WMAP, Planck! we even talk about the future of observational cosmology!
Oh man, it’s so much fun! and our guests? Kathryn Cogert and Tim Dobbs of the Encyclopedia Brunch Podcast!
Physicists: Katie Mack and Michael Zemcov
Intro Music: Ted Leo and the Pharmacists
Exit Music: John Vanderslice
Transcript: Ep_58_Extraordinary_Evidence