Episode 18: That Superconductor Episode with Ryan North
Posted Jul 1, 2012 by bn

this is the CLOSEST thing I could find to superman conducting an orchestra. WHAT THE HECK SUPERMAN COMIC AUTHORS AND ARTISTS?!?!? He has turned into a gorilla but has never conducted a symphony?!
So Arturo Toscanini Is Riding on a train. and clark kent comes up to him and asks for his ticket.
(click the link to see a video with some fun quantum locking!)
So today’s topic is Superconductors. You know. those cold things that float if you put them down on a magnet. How do they work?
guess who is back?! it’s our Pal, the duke of the internet: RYAN NORTH!!! You know what’s new with him? it’s the ADVENTURE TIME COMIC BOOK!
In other newsy news. we now have a FORUM! a place where we can all hang out and talk about physics and also my plans for world domination. click HERE to go there.
Also, we have a Store. I’m not going to lie, this podcast doesn’t cost all that much per month. but it does cost something. So I’ve started selling RAD T-Shirts (thanks, chelsea anderson!). If you wear them around, maybe people ask why you look so smart and then you can tell them about my titanium physicists.
Physicists: Fiona Burnell, Darren Peets
Intro Music: Ted Leo and the Pharmacists
Exit Music: John Vanderslice
Transcript: Ep_18_That_Superconductor_Episode
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