Episode 54: The Way The Dog Ran Away with Erin McGathy
Posted Feb 12, 2015 by bn

this photo is from the wikipedia page on the Milky Way. It’s A fish-eye mosaic of the Milky Way arching at a high inclination across the night sky, shot from a dark-sky location in Chile
1. It’s about the milky way galaxy. Where it comes from, where it’s gonna go, where we are within it, and how we know about it.
2. Erin McGathy is on it! She’s a podcaster and comedian out of LA. She has a podcast called “This feels terrible” , which is fantastic and cathartic! She’s frequently a cohost of the Harmontown podcast. She’s even on twitter and instagram. Anyway i was super nervous until she got on the show and it was lots of fun.
3. Amanda Bauer’s back. hooray! Also Rupinder Brar. It’s a power team. I barely had to edit, their words come out so smooth and so good.
This particular episode has an amazing conversation about science culture. It’s after the end credits and it must not be missed. it’s amazing.
Physicists: Amanda Bauer, Rupinder Brar
Intro Music: Ted Leo and the Pharmacists
Exit Music: John Vanderslice