
Episode 84: Super Stars Look Like Zebras with Ryan North

Posted Jan 1, 2020 by bn

The Biggest and brightest stars in the universe are classified as type “O” (as in, the letter O. the classification, in decreasing temperature is O,B,A,F,G,K,M).

They are HUGE! and BRIGHT! and VERY VERY MASSIVE! they have WAY MORE FUEL THAN THE SUN, and they run out of fuel SO MUCH FASTER.

This Is Zeta Puppis.
and O-type star in the constellation Puppis (an awesome name!).
Alberto ECJ uploaded it to wikipedia.org

to put it in context, if stars were people, and stars like our sun lived for 80 years (that’s an average human lifespan); then a person who is an O-type star would run out of fuel and die before it was 10 MONTHS old. Yow.

because they are SO HOT and SO BIG they don’t work in the same way that puny stars like the sun work. They  burn out and blow up!  And yet, their brief and bright existence has shaped the very chemistry of the galaxy and allowed planets like ours to exist.


Joining us today is Ryan North! Fresh from his victorious run on The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl.

This episode is wicked fun, and we cover SO MANY AMAZING TOPICS!!

Physicists:Hannalore Gerling-Dunsmore , Dr. Benjamin Brown

Intro Music: Ted Leo and the Pharmacists    –Tell Balgeary Balgury is Dead

Exit Music: Ramona Falls – Russia
