
Episode 28: Smoke Like Swirls on the Moon with Jordan Harbringer

Posted Jan 20, 2013 by bn

this is what a swirl looks like.






Dear Sir,

This letter is to inform you that there are swirls on our moon. I do not know how they got there. We can tell how old a feature on the moon is based on how weathered the regolith is, and the swirls are not weathered at all. Does this mean that they are brand new? Perhaps they are very old. Also, they are correlated with magnetic anomalies on the lunar surface. I stated, when we placed our order, that we wanted a moon which had no magnetic field.

Please Explain yourself, or provide us with a refund,

-Barn the Bunny.

Dear Shed Rabbit,

Thank you for you interest in our products. As we told you when you placed your order, we offer no guarantee as to the quality of our merchandise. We will not refund any of your money.

If you would like a coherent explanation for the swirls on your moon, please listen to the attached audio file. Jordan Harbinger, host of the art of charm , asks Dr. Cathernine Neish and Dr. Sebastien Besse all about them.

Good luck with your rice-cake hammering.

-Moon company.

Physicists: Catherine Neish, Sebastien Besse

Intro Music: Ted Leo and the Pharmacists 

Exit Music: John Vanderslice 

 Transcript: Ep_28_Smoke_Like_Swirls_On_The_moon
