Episode 83: Feeling Feeble WIMPS and Axions with Norm Sherman
Posted Nov 30, 2019 by bn

The Bullet Cluster
Composite Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/CfA/ M.Markevitch et al.;
Lensing Map: NASA/STScI; ESO WFI; Magellan/U.Arizona/ D.Clowe et al.
Optical: NASA/STScI; Magellan/U.Arizona/D.Clowe et al.;
Dark matter is one of the most interesting topics in modern physics. Because at this stage in the game, we are quite sure that it exists, but still have very few leads about WHAT it is.
Look at this picture. This is called “the bullet cluster”
Two galaxies crashed together, and the dust and gas in them slowed down from drag, but the dark matter (whatever it is) passed right on through to the other side. The blue shaded region in the composite photo shows gravitational lensing from all of the mass.
But just because we don’t yet know what it is, doesn’t mean that we have no ideas. There are actually a lot of fascinating ideas. From the humble Neutrino (wrong) to the hypothetical Axion (quite strange), particle physicists have a whole bestiary of possibilities. But Which ones are right? how could we tell? how can we test?
To explore the matter today, I’ve invited Norm Sherman. Norm is host of one of the most amazing podcasts In the world: The Drabblecast. Norm has made his mark on this universe promoting weird fiction, and relishing the dark and unexplainable! The Drabblecast is a short fiction podcast devoted to the weird genre. It’s literally my favourite show.
Physicists: Dr. Ken Clark, and Dr. Katelin Schutz
Intro Music: Ted Leo and the Pharmacists –Tell Balgeary Balgury is Dead
Exit Music: Ramona Falls – Russia